X-Files Wiki
World Weekly Informer (1997)

An issue of World Weekly Informer featuring an article on Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was a famous celebrity who owned exotic pets and was considered to be weird by many people. (TXF: "Small Potatoes") He was originally black but his skin later changed to pale white, a fact that was ridiculed by many people. (TXF: "Teliko")

In 1996, the deceased body of Owen Sanders was discovered. The body had apparently undergone some form of depigmentation that had turned the victim's skin, hair and eyes from black to pale white. Upon seeing the body, FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder commented that he could sense there was an opportunity for a Michael Jackson joke but couldn't think how to phrase it. (TXF: "Teliko")

The following year, an issue of World Weekly Informer was published with an article about how Michael Jackson had been kidnapped by his pets. The front page of the publication included a headline that read "Michael Jackson held captive by exotic pets!" Beneath the headline, a photograph of Jackson was also presented on the front page, above a sub-heading that stated, "Weird star prisoner in his own zoo!" (TXF: "Small Potatoes")
